Fox Hill

Fox Hill by Ahni Kruger

Ahni Kruger is a local artist who lives and works in Pottersville, New Jersey as well as in her studio in Lower Manhattan.  She has shown her work consistently since her first one person show in NYC in 1996, with both group and solo shows in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania.  She spends summers in Maine and is represented by galleries in Northeast Harbor and on Little Cranberry Island. 

Ahni has been a professor, developing courses in printmaking, color theory and painting, at Drew University, Montclair State University, and Willam Paterson University. She received a BFA from Cornell and her MFA in Studio Art from Montclair State University. 

“My paintings are meditations on organic structures and systems that have been altered by human intervention, focusing on forging positive connections, and advocating for stewardship of the earth’s natural resources.”

7.5" x 10.25"

Monotype on paper


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